Endless War Wiki
Endless War Wiki

Endless War is a free Flash computer game that allows you to fight with a variety of weapons and allies. There are currently eight Endless War games so far and the games can be found on Newgrounds and Arcadetown. Each Endless War game has its own set of campaigns.

Endless War 1[]

Endless War 1 is the first game in the series and includes five campaigns: US WW2 Campaign, Red Army WW2 Campaign, German WW2 Campaign, US Vietnam War Campaign, and Vietcong Vietnam War Campaign.

Endless War 2[]

The second game in the series has four new campaigns: Counter-Terror Campaign, Terrorists Campaign, Post-Nuclear Campaign, and Bloody Campaign. It also introduces alternate attacks that can be initiated by pressing the space bar and adds an information bar at the bottom of the screen that shows ammo, gun name, caliber etc. Also new are "fast" bullets and grenades.

Endless War 3[]

Introduces four new campaigns: Iraq War Campaign, WW2 - Pacific Ocean Campaign, WW3 - Humans Campaign, and WW3 - Aliens Campaign and also lets the player play campaigns from previous games. It now lets the player choose what primary weapon, secondary weapon, and what type of grenades the player wants.

Endless War 4[]

Introduces three campaigns with four missions each. Introduces the ability of the player to crouch on his belly and individually command allies.

Endless War Defence[]

Spin-off of the Endless War series where the player builds defenses such as trenches or bunkers instead of controlling an individual soldier. The player can call for reinforcements which sends vehicles to aid the player. The player can at any time click on a vehicle or stationary gun, press the space bar, and control that vehicle or weapon.

Endless War 5[]

Introduces vehicular and tank warfare instead of controlling a soldier. The player over time through XP will rank up and unlock new vehicles/tanks and will earn upgrade points to upgrade the vehicles. Also the HP of the player's vehicle regenerates over time when not under fire. Endless War 5 is the American campaign of WWII.

Endless War 6[]

Similar to Endless War 5 except it is the Soviet campaign of WWII. Minor things also added, such as some extra statistical information added about the vehicles and dates and locations added to mission info, and also different support units, such as paratroopers, aircraft fighters, bombers and Katyusha missile launchers.

Endless War 7[]

Same as Endless War 6, except it is the German campaign of WWII. Statistical information about vehicles no longer shown and no more mission descriptions, only a headline giving a summary. The Katyusha support unit was changed to Hummel unit. This game has finished the series.